Contribute to Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, Kanchipuram towards sevas including:
- Veda Parayanam & Veda Samrakshanam
- Go-Shala (Cow Protection)
- Annadaanam (Prasadam distribution, food for pilgrims, feeding the poor)
- Vruddashramam (Service and support to the elderly and infirm) and
- Kanikkai (General Contribution)
Two options to make your contribution
Payment Gateway | NEFT/UPI | |
(Credit & Debit cards, Bank Account)
(Bank Account NEFT, UPI)
Procedure | ||
Procedure | Step 1- Fill your details Step 2- Pay through payment gateway |
Step 1 - Make NEFT/UPI through your bank Step 2 - Submit transaction details(Transaction Number, Address etc.) |
e-Receipt | ||
e-Receipt | Instant | After verification(within 1-2 days) |
Link | ||
Proceed to contribute with | Gateway | NEFT/UPI |
Some quotes from Adi Sankara's Prasnottara Ratna Malika (Gem Necklace of Questions and Answers) in Sanskrit, which is meant to elevate the seeker, by providing answers to doubts that may arise in the mind of the devotees:
What is the most desirable for human beings? Life dedicated to one's and others' welfare.
What is Charity? Expecting no return.
What do those who have destroyed dark ignorance specially urge repeatedly? Charity along with sweet words, knowledge with humility, courage with patience, wealth with renunciation. These four auspicious things are hard to attain.